Reading Day
March 4, 2025

presented by

Reading Day

Inspire a love of reading, create a lifetime of success

United Way Quad Cities Reading Day 2025 is a community-driven event aimed at inspiring hundreds of Quad Cities students with a love of reading, which supports early literacy and a lifetime of success. With the support of partners like Quad City Area Realtors Association, businesses, and volunteers, this event goes beyond classrooms to make a lasting impact on childhood literacy.

Thank you for making our QC Reading Week book drive a huge success!

Your generosity will have a direct impact in helping our kids get on track in school while setting them up to achieve now and in the future.

Did you miss your chance to donate books? You can still make a difference!

Book Drive Hy-Vee Drop-Off Locations


2900 Devils Glen Road

3019 Rockingham Road

2200 West Kimberly Road

1823 East Kimberly Road

4064 East 53rd Street

2351 West Locust Street

425 East LeClaire Road


201 West Tenth Avenue

4218 Avenue of the Cities

2930 18th Avenue
Rock Island

2001 5th Street

Special thank-you to participating Hy-Vee stores.

Ways to get involved


Volunteer for Read United

Share your love of reading to support early literacy in our community. For just 30-minutes a week now through May, you can build a student’s reading confidence and change their future. We have 250 eager learners waiting for a reading buddy like you.

Iowa Reading Locations

Illinois Reading Locations

Donate Books

Looking for another way to support Reading Day? Donate a book (or several!) from our Book Wish List, and we’ll distribute them to local student to inspire early reading. View our wish list.

Have gently used books looking for a new home? Drop them off at the closest Little Free Library in the Quad Cities.


Invest in Local Students

Nearly half of our Quad Cities students are reading below grade level. Together, we have the opportunity to change that—and ensure that more of our kids are reading on grade level and set up for successful futures.

  • $150 will provide an entire classroom of students in the highest areas of need books to take home

  • $75 will provide daily reading tutoring for a student for one week

  • $30 will provide an hour of teacher time and instruction after school to a group of developing readers

Invest in Local Students

Nearly half of our Quad Cities students are reading below grade level. Together, we have the opportunity to change that—and ensure that more of our kids are reading on grade level and set up for successful futures.

  • $150 will provide an entire classroom of students in the highest areas of need books to take home

  • $75 will provide daily reading tutoring for a student for one week

  • $30 will provide an hour of teacher time and instruction after school to a group of developing readers


Volunteer for Read United

Share your love of reading to support early literacy in our community. For just 30-minutes a week now through May, you can build a student’s reading confidence and change their future. We have 250 eager learners waiting for a reading buddy like you.

Iowa Reading Locations

Illinois Reading Locations


Donate Books

Looking for another way to support Reading Day? Donate a book (or several!) from our Book Wish List, and we’ll distribute them to local student to inspire early reading. View our wish list.

Have gently used books looking for a new home? Drop them off at the closest Little Free Library in the Quad Cities.


Did you know?

United Way Reading Day isn’t just about having fun—it also supports a strong educational foundation. When kids have the skills they need to succeed in school—like reading on grade level—it empowers them to thrive at every stage.

Kids who enter school ready to learn are more likely to read on grade level by 3rd grade.

young girl with arms out smiling

Students who read on grade level by third grade are 5x more likely to graduate ready for success in college or career.

man reading with a young boy at school

Students who graduate high school are less likely to experience poverty, receive public assistance or become involved in the criminal justice system.

high school age girl sitting in a classroom

College graduates can earn up to $36,000 more per year, leading to financial stability and longer, healthier lives.

young woman with a graduation cap on smiling

Our Partners and Investors

Thank you to the following for investing in the success of our youngest Quad Citizens.

presenting sponsor

Create Opportunity for All Quad Citizens

United Way Quad Cities creates, leads and invests in a range of education programs in the Quad Cities that give kids a strong start, quality out-of-school time and strong pathways to success. Together, with the support of dedicated supporters like you, we can set Quad Cities kids up to achieve now and in the future. Learn more about our education initiatives and opportunities to get involved.


Invest in Local Children

Together, we’re strengthening education, income and health—the building blocks of opportunity—and setting Quad Cities students up for successful futures. Join us.

A one-time gift of $150 can give an entire Quad Cities Title I classroom of kids books to take home.