
Over 1,600 volunteers needed to help the Quad Cities thrive during Day of Caring, April 25

Spring means the return of warmer weather and blooming gardens. Here in the Quad Cities, spring is also the time when hundreds of residents roll up their sleeves and volunteer their time to help parks and nonprofits prepare for the summer months’ surge of children and families.

This year’s Day of Caring includes a diverse range of more than 80 projects, which can be done over the course of the full day or in just a few hours — with a group of any size or on your own.

Registration is now open for the Day of Caring. The all-day volunteer blitz takes place Thursday, April 25, all across Scott and Rock Island Counties.

“One day can make all the difference for our parks, child care centers and organizations who serve our community. But, at its heart, our Day of Caring is all about the skilled and passionate people who put their lives on hold for one day to make our Quad Cities a more thriving region,” said Rene Gellerman, United Way Quad Cities’ President and CEO.

“Whether you’re a handyman or handywoman, a seasoned gardener or someone who wants to do good, you’ll find a project that suits your interests and serve a vital need in the Quad Cities we love.”

Projects this spring include clean ups at child care and early learning centers, painting at campgrounds that serve local youth, removing invasive species at local parks and restoration at local historic sites.

Together, there are more than 1,600 volunteer openings that serve locations that include schools, libraries, health and wellness centers and more.


Sowing seeds of impact.

The needs from participating nonprofits and organizations this year exceeds that of last year. Day of Caring drew 1,100 people representing different businesses, nonprofits, unions, service groups and friends.

To date, over 30,000 volunteers have participated in United Way Quad Cities’ Day of Caring since 2005. Their collective investment of time has totaled 120,000 hours or the equivalent of $2.8 million, using Independent Sector’s estimated value of volunteer time.

Popular projects are first come, first served and fill up fast. Choose from the full list of Day of Caring opportunities here or call 563.355.4310.

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