
United Way Quad Cities seeks grant applications for Emergency Food & Shelter Program

The grant application period is now closed.

United Way Quad Cities is seeking proposals for grants for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which received $144,763 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The grants are federally funded and administered by United Way Quad Cities. They are available to 501(c)3 nonprofits, faith-based organizations and government organizations that provide emergency food, shelter and rental assistance in Scott or Rock Island counties.

FEMA is providing allocations of $75,126 for Rock Island County and $69,637 for Scott County. Submissions are due by noon on June 12. No hard copies will be accepted.

Decisions for the grant awards are completed by a local decision-making board. Grant recipients are scheduled to be announced by the end of June.

Local organizations chosen to receive funds are required to:

  • Be a nonprofit organization or unit of government

  • Have an accounting system

  • Practice nondiscrimination

  • Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs

  • If they are a nonprofit organization, they must have a volunteer board

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